Friday 10 April 2015

Nigeria heads list of countries accessing stolen data


How far does stolen data get before a breach is detected? That’s the question Bitglass asked — and answered — in a recent experiment.
The Cambell, Calif.-based company went on the Dark Web and planted documents filled with mocked-up data realistic enough to pass as real until the point of actually using it to make financial transitions.
According to a report the company released this Tuesday, it took just 12 days for the data to be looked at more than 1,000 times in 22 different countries. Russia and Nigeria headed up the list.
Meanwhile, according to the latest report from FireEye’s Mandiant, it takes 205 days to discover the average data breach.
“The level of access after just 12 days was extraordinary,” said the report. “Imagine how much further the data would spread in 205 days.”

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