People with spinal cord injuries could benefit from the surgery. If it ever happens (Picture: PA)
Doctors believe they will be able to perform a head transplant within two years.
No, this isn’t April Fool’s Day come early (it’s still February), it’s an Italian surgeon who says he thinks he can carry out the procedure to give people a new, healthy body.
It could help patients with spinal cord injuries, muscle-wasting diseases, or people whose bodies are riddled with cancer.
Dr Sergio Canavero says techniques are out there, they just need to be put together, according to the
Daily Mail.
The procedure would involve two patients – someone who is brain dead, and one of the above mentioned patients.
Patients with muscle-wasting diseases, such as Professor Stephen Hawking, could help (Picture: PA)Their heads would then be removed and the healthy head would go on the healthy body with the spinal cords being fused by a glue.Once it’s all stitched up, the patient would be put in a coma for four weeks to stop their head falling off.He is going to announce plans at a conference later this year and, if he gets backing, the first operation will take place in 2017.Any volunteers?William Matthews, chairman of the American Academy of Neurological and Orthopaedic Surgeons, said: ‘I embrace the concept of spinal fusion and I think there are a lot of areas that a head transplant could be used but I disagree with Canavero on the timing.‘He thinks it’s ready, I think it’s far into the future.’But Harry Goldsmith, a California doctor who succesfully performed a spinal cord operation that allowed someone to walk again, said: ‘I don’t believe it will ever happen.’
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